Sunday, November 11, 2018

Is Dieting An Absolute Huge Waste Of Time?

Is dieting a waste of time?

The ultimate proverbial question most of us who have gone through a diet would have asked at least once.

The answer... yes... and no.

Conflicting? Confusing? Yes but distinguishable.

When is a diet not a waste of time?

Let us count the ways.

1. When It Enforces Good Eating Habits

I would bet my last dollar than a large percentage of us out there don't really think twice about what we put into out mouth or on our plate.

We would have some idea of what's healthy or not but the amount of oil that's dripping off form the sides or from the mountainous serving of whip cream.

When I first really took into consideration what I was eating, it astounded me. How could I have been so ignorant over the years.

I began keeping a food log of whatever I ate and how much of it I ate. I then used a calorie app like myfitness pal to keep track of my daily intake.

What most of us would think twice consuming foods like bagel, white bread, Starbucks Frapps. However, such food stuff are just laden with unnecessary calories.

Even the occasional bite of chocolate throughout the day bumped up my total calorie intake by 10-20%.

What you need to do is first determine how many calories you need to consume on a daily basis to lose weight then start a food log.

You'll be amazed.

2. When It Stops You From Being A Couch Potato

There's a wise saying which goes "There's no smoke without fire".

And I say "There's no successful diet without exercising".

It's a known fact that you lose weight by eating less than required.

It's also a known fact that you are leaving 'money on the table' by not exercising during your diet.

Exercising isn't only good for your health by keeping dangerous ailments in check but it also raises your metabolic rate a notch which helps you burn more calories at rest.

More calories burnt without having to starve yourself means lesser time on a diet.

When is dieting a waste of time?

1. You Are A Quitter

The lack of self discipline will kill off even the most effective of diets.

I don't care how motivated you are but there will be days that will just seem a lot tougher than yesterday.

Even worst, you lose control and pigged out on six slices of pizza in the fridge.

What will you do then? Quit?

Self discipline is like a muscle. When you fail, you pick yourself up and start again.

When you don't feel like working out, you still put on your gym clothes, gran your gym bag and head out the door.

Take control of that inner voice and the world is your oyster.

2. When There's No End Goal

Dieting just for the sake for dieting is a recipe for disaster.

Before you embark on a diet, you will need to ask yourself "Why?"

Do you want to drop 10 pounds? Get washboard abs? Have a waistline of 30 inches?

Once you have a goal in mind you can work backwards on how to achieve it.

This will give you a better idea of your calorie intake, food planning, etc.

Have a final vision in your mind and work towards it.


As you can see, there's no clear-cut reason as to whether going on a diet is a waste of time.

On some levels, it can build character but it can also enforce bad habits.

Ultimately, it just boils down to one person.

The person you see when you look into the mirror.

Being on a diet or planning one can be a real pain at times.

Trust me, I know, after being on so many myself.

At the end, it's up to us to decide if the next diet is going to help or hinder our weight loss progress.

I hope you find this article useful.

Is Abdominal Fat Dangerous?

Is abdominal fat dangerous? This is a good question since it is estimated that over 65% of the adult population in the United States is overweight or obese.

You know the feeling you get when you are taking a risk like gambling or the lottery? You feel hopeful, but you may also don't want to feel fooled. It's a gamble when you take a risk like that, same as with your health. You may be worried or perhaps unsure of what is at stake. Either way, feeling frightened about your future health and lifestyle is not a pleasant feeling. It can cause stress and anxiety which only adds to abdominal fat.

Wondering if abdominal fat is dangerous means you are somewhat hopeful that you can turn things around. You may not be at too much risk, but there are also some little changes you can make to decrease the danger. It can be eye-opening to discover what problems may occur with too much around the middle.

As I was trying to get flat tummy, I realized I had to make some serious changes and make those changes into daily habits. It was hard to pill to swallow because we all know how hard it is to make changes that stick. But, making healthy choices a priority, I was able to focus on what mattered and conquer my goal.

Why Is Abdominal Fat Dangerous?

Cancer is a big one. Cancers that are found in the digestive tract, colon, and kidneys have been shown to being linked to belly fat. Being overweight and living a sedentary lifestyle, doesn't do these organs and their systems any favors.

Extra fat on the stomach can cause hormones to go out of whack. Hormones are difficult to control. They just do what they are triggered to do. Hormones play a role in enlarging fat cells.

Your back can take a beating if you are struggling with extra weight on the belly. When your abdomen doesn't have the muscles necessary for good posture, your back takes the brunt of the load. This will cause back pain and potential back issues.

Your heart has to work harder to pump blood and oxygen when there is more fat cells around the midsection. If you want your heart to be healthy and work as long as possible, make it easier for it to pump day to day by getting rid of fat cells.

Is a Gastric Balloon the Solution For You? Tips for GI Doctor Visit

If you or someone you love have been having a tough time trying to lose weight over an extended period of time, a gastric balloon procedure may be an option worth looking into. Gastric balloon placement is a safe, non-surgical procedure performed by a licensed and experienced GI doctor that has been proven effective as a useful treatment for obesity. There are several different health advantages for those who are obese, especially for those who have not had success with other programs. Perhaps most significantly, it is an ideal option for those who do not qualify for other forms of bariatric surgery.

So, what exactly does this procedure entail? A gastric balloon is a small silicone balloon that is placed into the patient's stomach through a short endoscopic procedure. After the initial placement, the GI doctor inflates the balloon with a safe solution, which triggers the sensation of the stomach feeling full, which means the patient should begin to consume less food. Eventually, patients lose the overwhelming urge to overeat, something they have likely done all over their lives. After approximately six months, the balloon is easily removed and he patient must continue to maintain a healthy diet in order to see the full effects of the procedure.

Potential patients must meet certain qualifications in order to be viable candidates for gastric balloons.

What Are the Qualifications of a Good Candidate?

* The patient must be over the age of 18.
* Potential candidates do not qualify for other invasive weight loss procedures.
* The BMI index of the patient is greater than 27.
* The patient cannot be pregnant or expect to become pregnant in the next six months.
* Potential patients must follow a diet prescribed by a GI doctor.
* There should be no history of previous bariatric surgeries.
* There should be no history of obstruction in the bowels.
* There should be no history major disease of the lungs, liver, or kidneys.
* There should be no history of having undergone gastrointestinal surgery.
* There should be no history of steroid treatment.
* Cannot be addicted to drugs or alcohol.
* There should be no history of a hiatus hernia.

Placing a gastric balloon is a very new procedure that may not be available with every GI doctor. It is important to do some important research beforehand. It is crucial that patients understand that this is not a permanent solution, but a way to train the body to eat less.

Instructions to Lose Weight Fast

Figure out How To Lose Weight Fast!

The most effective method to get thinner quick is to reduce the measure of sugars and starches that you take. You need to decrease the sugars essentially in light of the fact that these carbs reinforce the release of insulin and insulin in the hormone that heaps up fat in your body.

Take enough protein and vegetables. Protein can be gotten from the accompanying sources. Protein is available in a wide range of meat including hamburger, pork, chicken, sheep and bacon. It is additionally present in all fish and in eggs too.

The idea about fat being terrible for your well-being is totally off-base. There are two sorts of fat; one being awful for your well-being and the other being entirely useful. The wellsprings of good fat that ought to be available in your eating regimen are olive oil, margarine, coconut oil, tallow and avocado oil. The best oil that you can use for cooking is coconut oil. Coconut oil is rich in fats which are known as medium chain triglycerides. These fats are exceptionally filling when contrasted with others.

Concentrate on activity as well!

The best way to get in shape quick is to practice and lift weights no less than three times in a week.

Take a day away from work.

Plan a specific day consistently and on this day, you can treat yourself with more starches. Many people pick this day as Saturday since it is the day when most family home bases or companions gathering are arranged. It will be valuable for you to adhere to those sugar sources that are greater for you like oats, potato, rice and quinoa. On the off chance that you need to eat something that you know is undesirable however despite everything you have a solid longing for it, then eat it on this trick day you have set. You need to remember that these trick dinners and the inordinate sugar admissions will up-control a couple of the fat blasting hormones like the thyroid hormone and you will put on some weight as an aftereffect of this trick day. In any case, the greater part of this weight will be water weight and can without much of a stretch be lost by the following day.

Parts and calorie control:

In the event that you feel the need to control your calories, then you can utilize any calorie counter that you can discover effectively. You simply need to ensure that the primary target is to eat 20-50 grams of sugar every day and acquire whatever is left of your calories either from protein or from fats.

The primary concern is that following the quantity of calories isn't imperative to remain totally fit. What's vital is to keep the measure of starch admission inside the 20 gram to 50-gram range.

A couple of different tips to recollect:

Try not to starve yourself or keep yourself ravenous as it unquestionably does not help in getting more fit. Have three dinners consistently and in the event that you feel hungry towards the end of the night, go for a fourth supper. Furthermore, don't stop eating so much junk food that is both low in fat and low in starch as it will just disappoint you. Not eating appropriate nourishment will make you have faltering feelings which thus will make you eat more. In conclusion, recall that every supper must have a decent partition of protein and fat and a decent measure of low starch vegetables. This won't only reduce your starch level but also bring down the measure of insulin created.

Inspiration From Fitness Progression

Often times, we find inspiration from the actions of others. If someone else has a big accomplishment it makes us feel more optimistic about our own future. If they can be successful then so can we, right? This is especially true when it comes to weight loss and fitness. Seeing the results of a person's fat loss or increase in muscle mass is raw motivation. It can easily cause us to change our lifestyle and ditch bad habits. But, in too many cases those changes are temporary. How do we avoid the urge to quit?

I made a huge discovery when attempting to slim down. All of the motivational photos and videos I had previously watched could only carry me so far. While it felt good to see others succeed, those feelings paled in comparison to witnessing my own transformation. I still remember my first ten pound loss. I was grossly overweight and even after that reduction, I was still obese. But, seeing with my own eyes that fat loss was possible excited me beyond belief. The disappearance of those few pounds was more powerful than a thousand testimonials.

That moment taught me a valuable lesson. If I wanted to have genuine, long-lasting success then I needed to have more faith in myself. I had to place increased value on my own accomplishments instead of the triumphs of others. Sure, it's great when someone else reaches a goal. If a friend or loved one makes a positive change in their life then it's worth celebrating. However, those events can't be the main source of my own motivation. That exposes me to too much risk. If they succeed then I'll feel great, but if they fail I'll suffer along with them. If I have nothing to fall back on then it could halt my progress and set me back.

I now place a majority portion of my emotional investment into my own accomplishments. I certainly don't ignore what others are doing, but I no longer depend on them to give myself a clear view of my own future. This change has allowed me to lose a lot more than just ten pounds. At one time I was well over three-hundred pounds in weight. To date, I've dropped almost one-hundred of those pounds and have every intention of shaving off a few more. And I know I can do it because my previous accomplishments inspire me everyday.